- Take responsibility for yourself
Are you stagnating? Unhappy with your life? The first step to change is to take responsibility. Stop blaming others, your parents, your job, lack of money. The list is endless in the blame game. Responsibility for one’s self and ones feelings, hopes and desires comes from you. No one else. When you take responsibility action occurs.
- Nothing is achieved without action
What you want to achieve in your life? Set your intention. Nothing happens until you do. You want to be the best cyclist in the world? You first have to buy a bike. If you have no job? Then probably you have no money to buy a bike. Set your intention to earn money, the first step on your dream. Then build from there. You can achieve what you want with intention.
- Do something new everyday
Are you stuck in a habit? Do you want to change this? Doing something new opens your world. Your habit maybe comfortable but is it challenging? Stimulating you to be your best? Doing some small new thing everyday can bring new energy into your life. Change the coffee shop you hit every day for your morning fix of caffeine. Change your route to work. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results. You may meet someone new. See something that has the answers you’ve been looking for – who knows!
- Find a sense of purpose
Are you living your life without a direction? A sense of purpose gives a sense of fulfilment. We may not know what our purpose in life is. Finding it can be exciting, interesting and life changing. Offer your help to those who are in need. Study something new. Explore!
- We all make ‘mistakes’
Mistakes are opportunities to learn. To grow. To gain experience. All this shifts our world brings new ways to think. New ways to do things with new end results. We grow mentally and emotionally through the experience of ‘mistakes’ . Heard the saying ‘He who never made a mistake never did anything’?
- Play to your strengths
Do you play your strengths? A famous singer can be described as someone who played to their strengths. An inborn talent which they have played to. All their life – to achieve their success. Someone may have a desire all their life to be a helper of people. Ending up being a doctor. Follow all of the above ways to live a more fulfilling life. You will find your strengths. When you do, don’t stop and remember to say:-
- Thank you
Two small words which mean so much… Use them every day. Give thanks to everyone and everything through the briefest of exchanges to the exceptional. Expressing gratitude from deep within gives a sense of compassion to those on the receiving end. But just as importantly, to ourselves.
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